The Garden Club of Princeton

Founded in 1911


Founded in 1911 by Mrs. Archibald Douglas Russell, The Garden Club of Princeton was established with the purpose of providing an interest in and knowledge of gardening and horticulture among its members and the Princeton community. Nine monthly meetings are held per club year where members participate in flower, horticulture, or photography shows while becoming educated by many gifted speakers.

The Club began its philanthropy by financially supporting a "nature" teacher in the Princeton public school and, with the onset of World War I, helped the war victims both in Europe and here by encouraging Victory Gardens and canning with the residents of Princeton. In 1914, the Club's war efforts gave birth to the French Markets where members sold their own flowers, plants, and produce. One hundred years later, the French Market still remains the Club's chief fundraising activity, and civic projects has remained a primary focus and underlying principle of the Club.

From an initial total of 25 charter members, the Club has grown to 94 members. Through its 29 committees, members continue to support the community while enhancing their knowledge of nature and enjoying the camaraderie of individuals who share common goals and interests.

The Garden Club of Princeton is a current and charter member of The Garden Club of America founded in 1913. It is also a member of the Garden Clubs of New Jersey.

Charter Members of The Garden Club of Princeton

Mrs. George Allison Armour

Mrs. Grover Cleveland

Mrs. Henry Burchard Fine

Miss Jessie Peabody Frothingham

Mrs. Samuel McClintock Hamill

Mrs. John Grier Hibben

Mrs. Walter Butler Howe

Mrs. Allan Marquand

Mrs. George B. McClellan

Mrs. Junius Spencer Morgan

Mrs. Frederick Neher

Mrs. Charles Nott

Mrs. Alexander Hamilton Phillips

Mrs. Moses Taylor Pyne

Mrs. Ernest Cushing Richardson

Mrs. Archibald Douglas Russell

Mrs. Gustav Schirmer

Mrs. William Milligan Sloane

Mrs. John Duncan Spaeth

Mrs. Bayard Stockton

Mrs. Augustus Trowbridge

Mrs. Horatio Whitridge Turner

Mrs. Henry Jackson van Dyke

Mrs. Williamson Updike Vreeland

Mrs. Jesse Lynch Williams

A complete history of the GCP can be found in The Garden Club of Princeton, 100th Anniversary 1911-2011. A copy is currently available in the archives at the Historical Society of Princeton.